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Forest Trees

Maize Scott's Biography

Write a biography, they say, and I ask. How? According to "They." The rules for writing a personal bio are simple. Ok, let's give it a go.  


Step 1. Choose a voice.

I can't pinpoint the accent, but It's a mix between Jersey and Texas (Jertexan), and I know for sure it's loud. I've been told. 


Step 2. State your name.

That's easy. Maize Soctt. (I got it from my mama.)


Step 3. State your philosophy.

Like Plato? Ok. The world is crazy, and so am I. 


Step 4. List your goals.

  1. Get people to read my work.

  2. To get people to share my work.

  3. Get people to read, share and buy my work, including my art, and be the longest-running African American Female writer at the top of the NYT bestsellers list.


Step 5. List your accomplishments.

I'm still alive


Step 6. Last step and most important. List something unique about yourself.

Simple right? No, because I can't measure my uniqueness. That's up to my audience to determine if I'm unique enough to follow. I feel pretty ordinary. Don't get me wrong, I'm confident and a little cocky, but those are prevalent traits in today's society. 


I guess I can add the obligatory. When not writing or creating a new piece of artwork. You can find Maize Scott ensconced in her Northeastern home with her beloved husband and 2-year-old RESCUE (that's important to some people) boxer Mr. F. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and @maizescott

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