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I, Bodhichitta!

A Short Story

Bodhichitta Wellington was a lonely little girl who felt she didn't have a friend in the world. Except for her grandmother, she didn't count; grandma had to love her because that's what grandma's do, love. Her parents were killed in a car crash when Lil Bodhi was a baby; that's when she came to live with her paternal grandmother. The first few years were heavy for her and her grandmother until her uncle and his family came to live with them, and their world turned to hell. Now, 11-year-old Bodhi spends most of her time figuring out ways to get back at her evil cousin for her latest slight against Bodhi, but today Bodhi will find herself tasked with an altogether different mission. Will she accept the challenge from 2 people she's never met before? 


Shelter For My Soul

A Poem 

"I am Lumia, and your love is nourishment for my weary veins. Once granted, your ardor will never be ravaged in vain. The sanctuary of your love is my protector through the rage, sheltering me from the pain, levitating my sane."

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Alicia Grim Presents

The Murdered Woman's Guide to Becoming a Grim Reaper.

Alicia Grim has just been offered the position of a lifetime. She just has to pass a few simple tests and the job is hers. That shouldn't be too hard right? The only problem is that she has a short window of time to finish all that is expected of her. Can she achieve her goal within the time given and how far above and beyond expectations will she go to become the first female Grim Reaper? 

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From Cherbourg To Paradis

As a child, all Joseph Philippe Lemercier Laroche ever dreamed of was leaving Haiti for France to obtain something his enslaved ancestors couldn't even dream of.  A true education. At 15, his powerful uncle was able to grant him that wish. Now it's 1912, he's a young man with a wife and two young daughters, but life in France is not what he dreamed it would be. Due to the inter-racial prejudices of many within the city of Paris, he is let go from position after position, once they learn of his family. Despondent, he prays for a miracle. One soon comes in the form of an offer for a new job in Haiti and four first-class tickets on one of France's latest Steamships. Unfortunately,  due to a rule about children, he and his family are forced to find another ship to sail. As they say, the sea isn't always calmer on the other side. Even when you're traveling in "class."

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