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Updated: Mar 16, 2022

But who really does when they've first started on their journeys of self? On this journey of self-discovery, I'm realizing that many of the "greats" within their particular fields started out a simple layperson. Someone who had an interest in something but no formal training but did it anyway. Even as I type up this blog, I'm wondering if I'm doing it correctly and will anyone be "enticed" by my words and will they enjoy my "commercial". Who really knows? All I know is I will never find out, if I never try.

My journey as a writer so far has been one riddled with mistakes. I remember when I first finished this "commercial" I had to submit it 4 different times for publishing before it was finally approved. Each time for a different reason. First, my text wasn't long enough. Then I didn't embed the video. Next, I changed the length. Lastly, I added music and actually edited the text. With each new submission came the same realization. I have no idea what I'm doing. That was even a title to one of my posts, "I Have No Idea What I'm Doing." But you know what? I'm learning things about myself that I never knew and learning new skill sets that I previously had no interest in.

Take graphic designing as an example. Thanks to needing a cover photo, I downloaded Canva and started designing one. It took me eight hours to make my first cover, but that began my love for graphic designing. I am devouring every article, book, and podcast I can about writing, editing, and graphic design, and I love it. So, with all that being said and learned. I have taken it upon myself to make this "commercial," which took me many tries to figure out. This is my way of putting myself out there for people to find in the hopes that I can garner a following; an agent and publisher wouldn't hurt either.

You might be asking yourself why I, a person with no literary background, no following, and no formal education, would think that you, the public, would want to read my book? Well, plain ole gumption, that's why. We are taught to go for our dreams and that if we work hard enough, they will come true. So, let my work speak for itself, and please watch my "commercial." All it takes is for the right person to see and maybe my book with the next bestseller to be adapted for the big screen one day. Fingers, eyes, and toes crossed.

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