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It's been a while, huh?

My last blog post, "So where do I go from here?" was posted in March and since then, I've become even more lost. Not only because of my lack of forward progression as a writer/artist but also because of some personal experiences I've had these last 8 months. I've experienced a lot of heartache within those months. Still, my lack of equitable work has been the most damaging to my self-esteem. I just knew that once I hit that "publish" button on my website, everyone I knew and would ever know would come running to read my literary works or buy my art. Yet, crickets. Honestly, it can be very discouraging at times. I started second-guessing myself, and my confidence in my abilities as a creative and even thought about giving up. One day while I sat on my balcony meditating in the sun, a thought came to me.

My friends and family are not my demographic. They are not the people who will make me "rich." That burden belongs to me. Not to say they are not my support system, but they have their own struggles, and just like I can't afford to support everyone, neither can they. If I keep doing the work, what's for me will be for me! These realizations have freed me from so much self-doubt and negative thoughts.

So, what's the next step?

I still don't know!

Pray for me!

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