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So, where do I go from here?

I've written the words. I've "edited" the pages. Well, not as well as a professional would have, but I tried. I've submitted my stories for publishing. I've put myself out there by making social media pages and now a website. Now what? I know freelance writers come "a dime a dozen." Look through any social media platforms pay close attention to the number of writer's groups out there and the number of people within those groups. It's insane! The competition to have even a few people see your posts is enough to discourage even the most seasoned writers. So if someone doesn't know the ins and outs of social media marketing, how can they succeed in this social media-driven world?

My answer to that question was enrolling in a digital marketing class. We're not going to talk about how I'm a week behind; that's a different story, but I'm giving myself a chance to learn and not blindly put my fate into another's hand. This is my dream; these stories are my babies, the words my DNA. So it would be, what's the word I'm looking for?.... STUPID! Not to learn how to bring them to the masses. All 24 of you have visited my site to date! Hey, that's 24 more people than last week. As in literature, it's all about how you begin. Maybe I, like a book that feels rushed, started too early. My first few publications, "WHEW CHILE THE GRAMMAR!"

So, what makes me think that out of the millions of aspiring writers out there, I'll be the first Maize Scott ever to reach the top of the charts? Some may call it a severe case of cognitive dissonance, others may call it being grandiose, but I call it faith. Faith that even though I have no idea what my next step (other than writing) should be or how long I will financially be able to support this self-funded dream of mine. That the "powers that be" at the biggest publishing houses in the world will find me and turn me into an NYT bestselling princess one day. A girl can dream, can't she? But what's a dream without action. If I don't do the work, who will? The only true answer to my initial question ( So, where do I go from here?) is FORWARD! That's where I'll go! Peace and blessings all, and I hope you come along with me!

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