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African American Fiction Writer 

​My Name Is Neffi!

Chapter 1

Sheltered Neffi is stuck working for her overbearing and disapproving aunt for the school year in hopes that she'll be able to save money for her summer trip to Egypt with her archeology class. Just as Neffi reaches her goal, her aunt gives her an ultimatum to finish an impossible task or risk losing her job. Will Neffi accomplish this challenge, and who will be there to help her? Follow Neffi on her journey of discovery as she tries to navigate her last days as a high school student. 

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My Name Is Neffi!

Chapter 2

Aki has one role and life, and that's to be the future king of Egypt, but before he can begin his life's calling, he must first make a journey that will span time and dimensions. A journey that will either end in misery or love, the outcome is up to him. 

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My Name Is Neffi!

Chapter 3

Neffi and her best friend Nubia have stumbled across ancient secrets thousands of years old. A secret that the owner never wanted to be found. Knowing this information will send Neffi and her friends on a collision course to their doom or destiny. 

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My Name Is Neffi!

Chapter 3

Aki and Neffi accidentally bump into each other, but the outcome is not what we expected. Also, can Neffi trust one of her closest friends with her newest secret? 

Coming Soon!
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